With Nifty, you can give unsold items a second chance by recreating them from scratch.
94% of sales on Poshmark go to sellers who have listed that same week! If you don’t have new inventory, you can use Nifty to relist.
All marketplaces
Relisting cycle
Each marketplace has a default relisting cycle:
- On eBay, our “recreate” cycle is one day shorter than their auto-renewal cycle. By ending and recreating the listing ahead of renewal, the new listing still counts against your monthly listing limit on eBay, but with a much better outcome.
- On Mercari and Depop, we enforce a 30-day cycle of respect for the marketplaces.
- On Poshmark, we recommend a 60-day cycle, though a 30-day cycle is still possible.
Custom configuration
We’ll automatically recommend how many relists you should do daily based on your closet size and the relisting cycle (total items ÷ cycle length). This helps keep your closet active every day, so you can maintain consistency without extra effort. You can also set automated price adjustments when relisting, like reducing the price by $1 or raising it by 10%, giving you flexibility in how you manage your listings:

Additionally, you have the option to include or exclude specific items from being relisted:

Important exceptions
There are a few important exceptions to our relisting process:
- On Mercari, Poshmark, and Depop, we do not relist items with active offers to avoid disrupting potential sales.
- On Mercari, this exception extends to luxury items that have been authenticated, as Mercari Authenticate™ is a paid feature and authentication cannot be transferred.
Insertion fees
eBay automatically renews items every month, so any unsold listings will automatically count against your next monthly limit. However, when preemptively recreating these same items with Nifty, this schedule is shortened by one day. That means every item listed on the first of the month will be recreated on the last day of the month, therefore counting double against your monthly limit.

Automatic promotions
If you promote your listings individually, these cannot be carried over. However, if you promote your listings automatically, everything will work as expected. Here’s how to set this up:
- Go to your advertising dashboard and click “Create new campaign” followed by “Promote your listings”.
- Choose your campaign strategy; we recommend using “General”.
- Click “Add listings”, and at the top, select “Rule-based”.

- Create one or more rules for your listings, specifying which ones should be included.
- Choose your ad rate strategy; we recommend using “Fixed ad rate”.
- Click “Launch”, and you’re all set! Current and future listings, including “recreates” made by Nifty, will automatically be added or removed from this campaign according to the rule you created.
Smart pricing/offers
If you relist with a price adjustment, any previous “smart pricing” or “smart offers” settings may no longer be valid. In these cases, we’ll automatically disable “smart pricing” or “smart offers” for the new item.